Thursday, 11 August 2011

another day in bed...

Got the garden beds all around the chook pen started today once they're done I just need to find some more soil for them and they'll be off and racing!  The clivias were freebies from a neighbour's parents, they are HUGE clumps which will be enough to do the whole garden bed, the chooks love them because for some reason the snails love to hide in them.  The chooks don't eat the clivias but spend heaps of time poking about in them hunting out the snails :)

Still the right hand end to finish and then the soil can go in...

Friday, 5 August 2011

chooks in, foxes out...

Over the last couple of days I've finished the wire on the outside run so now the chookens get to run about in the sunshine during the day, safe and sound :)  So far they have been loving it!

Here they are inside, incase you are wondering why they look kind of nervous it's because in the background you can see the ferocious bunny wabbit, who of course eats three chickens a day dontcha know...  24 hours later they seem to have settled a little over the issue of the rabbit in their coop but they still aren't 100% happy about it.  Oh and in the foreground you can see Rudy Rooster, who's a long term guest as long as he doesn't bother the neighbours ;)

The rabbit on the other hand decided that she'd worn out her welcome so in the small amount of time I gave her freedom in the outside area she found the only corner where I had done a dodgy job of the wire and she dug out and went visiting the neighbours.  So of course we had to sort that problem out so we decided to put a garden bed down that side of the coop,  This is the corner closest the door and there's another similiar triangle in the corner next to the night quarters and a straight section connecting the two.

It's half full of horse poo so it should be a good soil once it matures a bit, we'll put a mesh fence across it and grow chook friendly veggies and allow the chooks occasional access to enjoy it without destroying it.